Newbie JavaScript Lessons

Hello all!

I began JavaScript on Codecademy for the first time this week. So far, it seems as though we jumped right into the finer points of this lightweight programming language without having a broader, big picture understanding of JS first. I’ve been googling to get a better grasp and perspective. I came across a couple of resources I found to be helpful:

1. w3schools provides great beginner definitions and explanations in a written tutorial format. They also offer a handy results tab where you can play around with the code you just learned without having to install a text editor of your own.

2. thenewboston YouTube channel. Sure he’s a bit of a brogrammer, but it makes the tutorials more entertaining. Plus, his instructions and explanations are easy to understand and he’s helping me learn JavaScript, so who cares, right? 

I’m also seriously considering enrolling in Treehouse. Their fees are quite low and I’m hoping to give them a try for a month and see how it goes. Anyone out there using Treehouse to level up their skills?

Oh, I also got stung by a yellow jacket today. Good times.